[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Tabs for

"Sad But True"

Sad But True

Most of the fills are figured out, but not all of them,
(The rests don't look like they should so sorry about that.)

H.H=Hi-Hat                 =is a half rest
C.C=Crash Cymbal          3=a quarter rest
S  =Snare                 7=an eighth rest
B  =Bass drum             F=a sixteenth rest
R.T=Rack Tom
F.T=Floor Tom

        Here is the first part of the intro.

                |                   |   |   |
                |                   |   |   |
           |    |       |       |       |      |
           |    |       |       |       |      |
           |                                   |
           |                                   |
        B  |---0-------------------0---0---0---|
           |  |                   |   |   |    |
           |  |                   |   |___|    |

        Here is the second part of the intro.  (this part only gets 
played one time.)

                |                       |
                |                       |
        C.C|---x--------=--------------x-------|   (I had put an"="
           |    |       |       |       |      |for a half rest on 
           |    |       |       |       |      |beat #2 for C.C and B
        H.H|---x-------x-------x-------x-------|this is supposed to 
           |                                   |be a half rest)
           |                                   |
        B  |---0-------=---------------0-------|
           |  |                       |        |
           |  |                       |        |

        Here is the first fill for the intro.

                 _____   _____   _____
                |_|_|_| |   |_| |_|_|_|         
                | | | | |   | | | | | |        
        S  |----|-|-|-|-|---|-|-|-|0-0---------|   The "=." is 
           |    | | | | |   | | | |            |supposed to be a 
           |    | | | | |   | | | |            |dotted half note and
        R.T|---0-0-0-0-0---0-0-0-0-------------|There is sopposed to
           |                                   |be a crash cymbal on
           |                                   |the same beat as the
        B  |---=.----------------------0-------|bass drum.
           |                          |        |
           |                          |        |

        Here is another fill for the intro.
                |       |       |   |
        S  |----|-------|------0----|----------|  Again there is a 
           |    |       |           |          |C.C on the same beat
        R.T|---0-------0-----------0---3-------|as the bass drum.
           |                                   |
        B  |---=.----------------------0-------|
           |                          |        |

        The the last fill for intro.
                        |       | | | |
        C.C|---=.-------|-------|-|-|-|x-------|  Sorry I had to make
           |            |       | | | |        |the notes so high but
           |            |       | | | |        |if I didn't it would
        S  |---3-------0-------0-0-0-0-3-------|be even more 
           |                                   |
           |                                   |
        B  |---=.----------------------0-------|
           |                          |        |
           |                          |        |

        Then go to the verses which look like this.

                 ___     ___     ___     ___
                |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  |
           |            |               |      |
        S  |-----------0---------------0-------|
           |                                   |
        B  |---0---------------0---------------|
           |  |               |                |
           |  |               |                |

        Here is the first part of the break in the song, listen to 
song to know where it goes.( I think that it is the end of a 

                 ___     ___     ___     ___
                |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   
           |    |           |       |       |\ |
        S  |---0-------7---0-------0-------0---|
           |                                   |
        B  |-----0---0-0-------0-0-----0-0-----|
           |    |   |_|       |_|     |_|      |
           |    |   |_|       |_|     |_|      |
        Here is the second part of the break.

           |             ___                   |
           |            |   |           |      |
           |            |   |           |      |
        S  |---3-------0---0---3-------0-------|
           |                                   |
           |                                   |
           |                                   |
        B  |---0-0---0-------F-0---------------|
           |  | |   |.        |                |
           |  |_|   |         |                |
           |  |_|   |         |                |

        This fill is near the end of the song.  I think that it is 
another break in the song.  Play it 2 times.
                         ___     ___     ___     ___
                |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  
           |             ___                   |
           |    |       |   |                  |
        S  |---0-------0---0---=---------------|
           |                                   |
           |                                   |
        B  |-----0--0--3.------0------3--------|
           |    |  |          |                |
           |    |__|          |                |

        This next fill is also near the end but it has 16th notes in 
it so it may look confusing to look at but if you have any 
questions about it mail me back and maybe I can explain.
(I am not absolutly sure about the first 2 parts in this fill.)

                 _       _       ______
                |_| |   |_| |   |______|
                |_| |   |_| |   |______|
                ||| |   ||| |   ||||||||       
           |                                   |
        B  |--=.-----------------------0-------|
           |                          |        |
           |                          |        |

        The chorus is the same as the verses until you come to a 
certain point, and here is that point.(Listen to song to know what 
I mean.)

           |     ___     ___     ___     ___   |
           |    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  |
           |            |               |      |
           |            |               |      |
        S  |-----------0.--------------0.------|
           |                                   |
           |                                   |
        B  |---0---0-0-3-------0-------3-------|
           |  |   | |         |                |
           |  |   |_|         |                |
           |  |   |_|         |                |

        I only Have 2 more fills that I will write down here that are 
from the middle of the song.  I have the others figured out now, if 
you would like the rest of them mail me and tell me.

                 ___     ___
                |   |   |   |
           |                     _____   _____ |
           |            |       |   |_| |_|_|_||
           |            |       |   | | | | | ||
        S  |---3-------0--------|--0-0--|-|0-0-|
           |                    |       | |    |
           |                    |       | |    |
           |                    |       | |    |
           |                                   |
           |                                   |
           |                                   |
        B  |---0-------3-------0---------3-----|
           |  |               |                |
           |  |               |                |

        And finaly the last fill.

        Here's the first part.  Again it has a lot of 16th notes so 
it may look strange

           |                                   |
           |     ______  _____   ___     _____ |
           |    |______||   |_| |_| |   |   |_||
           |    |______||   | | | | |   |   | ||
           |    |||||||||   | | | | |   |   | ||
        B  |---000000000---0-0-0-0-0---0---0-0-|

I think that this is right but there are probably a few mistakes 
but not to many I hope.  Like I said before if you want the rest of 
the fills just ask, but you should be able to figure them out just 
by listening.


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