Wake Up - Rage Against The Machine
Drop D tune the bitch..
                      gtr.1 reapeat this 8 times
fade in w/volume knob
during those 8 times, gtr. 2 play....
bend full then realease, one measure at a time while tremolo picking
let ring ( this is the long silent part)
            bend all full(1)
      /    /    /    /    /    /   /
tip: make your tone a little more bassy here to get the "flowing" sound
did I mention this is a badass song?
mainly consists of this
during tha verse, a second guitar uses a wah pedal like this
|------------------------------------| 0= closed(bass)
|-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x----| x= open(treble)  
  0       x       0       x             
Ya might hear some "blues" notes in the song they are |-------|
I think Tom Morello uses a talk box for this.(dont bother)
Repeat 2 times
                         second guitar starts this the second time through
Both guitars
           palm mute tha fast parts
                                    play this over and over and slowly
                                    release your palm from tha strings
for the quiet part,palm mute
|---------------------------| The rest of the song is parts that I have
|---------------------------| written, just put em tagether.
|---------------------------| Im sorry, I am havin trouble tabbin the
|---------------------------| second solo. If you write me, ill help ya
|---5-5-5-5-ect-------------| tha best I can-just use tha harmonizer?
If you have any questions, byrnesb@elmo.nmc.edu